Snagging Inspections
Call today for your free no obligation snagging quote. Tel: 07768 900 200
Call Us: 07768 900 200
Our Services
Area of Operation
We undertake snagging inspections throughout the North of England.
In Depth Report
We have the in-depth knowledge and experience gained from over 40 years in the construction / property industry.
Fast Reports
We can undertake inspections quickly and our reports are issued within 2 working days of the inspection including photos of the defects identified.
When to Inspect
The ideal time to undertake the inspection is prior to legal completion once all the work has been completed. However a number of builders will not allow this citing “Company Policy”. The snagging inspection can, of course, be carried out post completion if this is the case.
On Going Support
Once the snagging report has been issued, we remain available by phone or email to provide you with ongoing support & advice.
We Work For You
We only work for the purchasers of new build homes and not for house builders to avoid any conflict of interest.
About Snagging Inspections
- We aim to provide a very professional and personal snagging inspection service for our Clients.
- Snagging Inspections Limited is owned and operated by Timothy Fee who has over 40 years experience in the construction & property industry having previously been the Managing Director of one of the largest privately owned construction companies in the UK.
- We undertake snagging inspections throughout the North of England .
- Snagging 100%
- Experience 100%
- Customer Driven 100%
- Customer Satisfaction 100%
Inspection Costs
Snagging Inspections have a range of prices depending on your requirements
- 2 bed house £350
- 3 bed house £390
- 4 bed house £440
- 5 bed house £490
- 1 bed apartment £290
- 2 bed apartment £310
- 3 bed apartment £330
For other property types and floor areas over 2,500 ft2 – P.O.A
Payment terms
The above prices are inclusive of VAT
Payment is due in full immediately upon receipt of our Snagging Inspection Report
We offer a 5% discount if payment is made in full 7 days prior to the date of the inspection.
Payment made via PayPal or credit cards will be subject to a 3.5% surcharge to cover transaction expenses.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is “snagging”?
When should the inspection be undertaken?
Ideally prior to legal completion. That way the builder has the time and opportunity to remedy snags before you move in. If that is not possible then it should be done as soon as possible after completion
However the snagging inspection can take place at any time during the first 2 years of occupation
Will the house builder allow access for a snagging inspection before legal completion?
Some house builders have a policy of not allowing snagging inspections prior to legal completion.
In that event, the inspection can be undertaken immediately after legal completion or indeed at any time in the first 2 years and it doesn’t affect the house builders liability for snags / defects. It is just more difficult for them to repair as they then have to work around you and your furniture.
What if new snags come to light after the initial snagging?
As new defects become identified the original list can simply be updated and reissued
What is the NHBC / Premier / LABC warranty?
The builder is responsible for the first 2 years and provides cover for every defect within the house during that period
In years 3 – 10 the warranty provider covers only structural defects
This means that purchasers have only 2 years to identify, report and have remedied any defects in their home

“ Thank you so much for the great service you have provided ”
2 Bed House, West Yorkshire

“ Thanks for this – great report ”
4 bed house, Manchester

“ Amazing – thanks so much ”
4 bed house, Greater Manchester
A collection of defects and snags found on recent inspections.
We are Available 24/7
Contact Us
Get in touch
To contact Snagging Inspections Limited you can:
Tel : 07768 900 200